We develop customized e-learning, learning and training solutions on a variety of subjects. We partner with our clients to deliver business results and improved performance.
We are passionate about learning. You’re looking for improvements in performance and changes in behavior. We’ll help you achieve those business benefits by focusing on the choices your people make every day.
We’re not just another e-learning company interested in adding to the mountain of dull ‘e-telling’ that often masquerades as learning. We want your people to be inspired, to be energized, to make the right choices and to take action.
Go on… Why not give us a call to discuss how we can help you to build your brand and gain more business.
Whether you need a project lead to design a training solution or an L&D resource on a short‐term basis, Clarico Group consultants have the expertise to fulfill your organisation’s learning and development needs. Clarico Group’s consultants have experience in all aspects of instructional design, from analysing audiences’ learning styles and needs, return on investment (ROI) to designing and developing entire curricula. Our instructional design and development consultants have worked with large, multinational organisations to design and build successful L&D programmes using the most effective blend of delivery platforms and development tools.
Many of our consultants have graduate degrees and certifications in Instructional Systems Design. Learning Modalities Many of our consultants have blended learning experience, while others specialize in eLearning, mobile learning (mLearning), informal learning, instructor‐led training (ILT), or a combination thereof. Our consultants can conduct needs analyses to identify the appropriate training solutions, then develop and deliver them.
Classroom Training Clarico Group’s instructional design consultants understand the business impact of taking employees away from their everyday duties to attend classroom training — whether in a physical or virtual environment. Our consultants maximize your workforce learning experience by designing courses that make learning effective, memorable and focused on meeting business objectives.
Instructor‐led training (ILT) as well as virtual ILT [vILT] may include pre‐work for participants, hands‐on training in a lab environment or role plays and case studies.
eLearning Computer‐based and web‐based training has matured rapidly in the past few years. eLearning may be facilitated by an instructor or be self‐paced. Clarico Group consultants know the capabilities of each eLearning tool and their applicability to your company’s specific training needs. We have hands‐on experience with the authoring software used in many corporate training departments, including Lectora, Captivate, Articulate, and Flash, as well as many lesser known tools. Our consultants are forward‐thinking instructional designers who develop innovative “serious learning games” for corporate training.
Mobile Learning Employees who are on‐the‐go for business can take advantage of learning offered on portable technologies such as smartphones and tablets. Mobile learning (mLearning) can be accessed anywhere: in the office, at the airport or on the plane. Clarico Group consultants have the technical and instructional design knowledge to integrate mLearning into the blend and create productive, meaningful learning experiences.
Informal Learning/Social Learning Helping your workforce share knowledge and experience is an important pre‐ and post‐training activity. It consolidates new skills and builds a culture of best practise knowledge share within your organisation. Our instructional designers use social media tools (e.g., blogs, wikis, podcasting, and media libraries) to create a collaborative learning environment, where a community of learners can grow into a Community of Practice.
Blended Learning Not everyone learns in the same way. Creating an effective blend of L&D delivery is vital to maintain workforce enthusiasm and knowledge as well as achieving value from your investment. After conducting a thorough training needs analysis, our instructional designers can create blended learning solutions that use two or more training delivery mediums or use different types of learning activities to facilitate learning. Blended learning may be an appropriate solution to meet participants’ time constraints or incorporate different learning styles.
Content Development Clarico Group’s content development consultants will work with your subject matter experts to produce instructionally sound course content within the parameters of the course design.
Download our Instructional Design brochure here.